It is a year of undesirable, unfulfilled, and so much left to be done. When I looked back of the past year, it seems that Facebook’s Year in Review is just not a good representation of what I’ve done in this year, so here goes my own year in review.
Graduated from University of Virginia, I still miss the university life. Missing the days that I can learn something unexpected, learn new strange stories, oh, the God, I miss these indigenous arts and stories from Bangalore, these LEGO motherboards and these free computing hours on Ranger the supercomputer. Missing these days I had only 20 dollars for 20 days of living.
Joined Facebook, released the first software I wrote that is used by millions of people. Have a regular life that go to work at 9:40 and go back home at 7:10. Settled and unpacked the 2 luggages with me for 3 years, falling in love with Mountain View and never home-sicking again.
Released ccv 0.1, and then 0.2, 0.3 until 0.4. I am so glad that many people loved it and agree with my philosophy of starting this project. It is premature and has many bugs, I haven’t finished the commercial-grade face detector that I promised for 2 months, the HTTP API is still a demonstration more than a usable one (lacking of uploaded photo cache), there are so many things that I need to do before this thing becomes serious.
Finally became serious about the patent reforming idea and the self-driving cars. I have so many ideas and so little have done with them.
Got rid of Red-bull and Monster, or energy drinks in general. Learned that excessive intake of B-6 will end up with sensory polyneuropathies. Get into alcoholism and fully know that will cause amnesia.
Lost 30 pounds, and continuing build my body to reach my genetic potential.
果然对才华横溢的男人没有任何抵抗力啊!在看了莫言的演讲稿之后,对这个长相丑陋的人心中充满了好感。可惜从来也未读过他的书,后悔在小时候,浪费了太多时间在男羞涩女暧昧的乏味文字上。仅有的男欢女爱的描写,竟只来自于慕容雪村和余华。突然想起来中学的语文课本也不全是垃圾,隐约记得还有Bel Ami的选段呢,可大概是跳过了那些情爱的描写,否则怎么会了无印象呢。
蒲松龄总是幻想着和狐狸做爱,一只红色的狐狸,却害得青春期的莫言两腿发软。他们都不知道的是,上帝已经告诉了Joseph Smith,不能去强奸婴儿,只有和青蛙做爱才能治好AIDS。对,那和把自己的独生子送下来替所有人送死的上帝是同一个。
Found there is a description section under “Religious Views” and “Political Views”, I decided to spend 10 minutes to fill them out, and here it is, all start with “I believe”:
Religious Views: Atheist
I believe that there is no God, not even “natural Gods” in the current universe. We are the result of a big randomization process that governed by a set of randomized rules. Thus, there is no purpose other than the pursuit of optimizing on the set of randomized rules that began with. The concept of causation is very doubtful. It will be proven sooner or later that causation is an illusion that only exists because the limit of our perspective and cannot see things spontaneously. The rareness of conscious beings is far overrated. The realization of consciousness is only a mere temporary assistance to the med-long-term survival of individuals and there is no prestigious in such.
Political Views: Liberal
I believe that the stabilization we enjoyed less than a century is a temporal and localized phenomenon. Such ordering and prosperity cannot be expected to last long. As the individual is more empowered with advanced tools and technologies, a people’s government will face more challenges in satisfying more diversified needs, and it will be proven to be impossible. Thus, I believe the densely populated metropolises, cities and suburbans will be rotten with demolished government power, and the population needs to be much more sparsely distributed (one person per 100 mile square or less) to continue their existence.
Two weeks ago, after the Android training, I am starting a thought experiment on, given the state of current mobile hardware, what would be if we start to design a mobile OS (or more accurately, a mobile OS framework) from ground up? It is 2012, a mobile OS doesn’t merely mean an abstraction above the hardware layer. It is a whole package specially designed to streamline the interaction of its application with graphic and user input systems. You are not required to redesign the file IO, or the network interface or the hardware interrupt. From an application developer’s point of view, and the feasibility of the current mobile hardware, what’s the most crucial parts of a new mobile OS framework? The set of choices presented here ranging from the language features, to the interaction with graphic system, and to the interaction between applications.
1). Animation as the First-class Citizen
Animation shouldn’t be the after-thought. The new mobile OS framework should design its graphic / object system based on animations. In the language level, animation should be easily in-lined (a good example about what means to be in-lined is what LINQ to C#). Animation, fundamentally, is per-transition based, in a typical MVC arrangement, managing transition is a job of controller. It doesn’t make sense to have a separate animation presentation in another language (CSS or XML). To say that later we can swap a better animation if we separate the two is an ignorance to the relationship between animation and interaction. There is only one or very small subset of animations make sense for a given interaction, the thinking of swapping different animations for one transition is fundamentally flawed.
Implicit animation (as in iOS CALayer) v.s. explicit animation: explicit. Having implicit animation while given developers the ability to specify animation means you have to have a mechanism to disable the implicit animation. That’s just digging hole for the framework designer. Besides, for any quality interaction design, implicit animation is, always getting in the way. Whenever possible, framework designer should always give back the flexibility on choosing animations back to application developer. No implicit animation would avoid the confusion, and providing cleaner interface for both the framework designer and the application developer.
2). Message-passing, Multithreading and Event Loop
Go with multiple event loops and message-passing. In the language level, parallel execution is formalized with channels and message-passing rather than locks and shared-memory. There will be no such thing as main thread throughout the UI framework. Every execution is asynchronous. It does impose problems when quick responses to touch events are required.
3). Key-Value-Observing and Well-defined Behavior
Every property of every component, from UI to IO, can be observed. Even many UI events are delivered through KVO rather than a event callbacks. In the language level, these KVOs are asynchronously delivered by its message-passing system.
4). A Single True Persistent Object Management System
Framework shouldn’t hide the performance implications of the persistent object system (thus, shouldn’t provide a transparent persistent object system). But it should provide some kind of performance-explicit persistent object management system. This persistent object management system is the single recommended way to persist data, thus, free developers from dealing with different persistent object systems, and most importantly, developers can now make safe assumptions about the underlying data persistent mechanism to simplify their work on upper layers such as custom views etc.
5). Easy Interaction with C/C++
It would be an atrocity to not provide a way to compile with C/C++ libraries, in language level, this should be as simple as linking to the generated object file.
6). Garbage-collection
This is controversial, but I believe that for any non-trivial parallel programs, memory / object life-cycle management is very difficult. Especially for a complex message-passing based system, managing the life-time of objects that passing around, potentially in a processing queue is a recipe to disaster. But all have been said, rolling out a half-baked garbage-collector is not an option for mobile OS because the real constraint on both memory and CPU. It does need careful profiling to see how far a garbage-collector can go even in current hardware environment.
多年前的我,觉得这是可笑的。无非是”富二代“的自负,和所谓慈善的伪善。毕竟,”我奋斗了十八年才和你坐在一起喝咖啡“。那些更有自我控制,更努力奋斗,更专注也更聪明的人似乎值得拥有任何和其努力所对应的东西。那可是每天12个小时不眠不休的工作连续三年,才换来一辆Audi R8的啊。时至今日,仍然觉得大部分的慈善秀场虚伪可憎,却不再拥有那种应得的使命感。应该更虔诚一些。
在和某同学开心地一路超速从Duke回Charlottesville的时候,百无聊赖,除了同时赞赏短效避孕药的方便和益处,并学习其调理身体的原理外,又玩了好多轮的“二选一”。从Q & A学来的这个游戏真是太好玩了,其中选项包括Porsche or Ferrari,Emma Waston or Natalie Portman,U.S.A. or China,Google or Apple,Doggie or Missionary,杨幂 or 刘亦菲,奶茶 or – 嘀 –。还是Ferrari,Emma Waston,Doggie和奶茶比较正啊。