Enlightened. Suddenly feel everything I’ve learned in the past becomes meaningful. On somthing BIG.
没错,今天有两件大事:1. Apple发布了iPad;2. Armor Plus: Tekknoman Blade发布了。喜欢iPad的价格,大小,厚度。但是,直觉不喜欢一个全在苹果控制中的世界。每个公司都带有自己的个性的。这么多年了,Eric还是想他那个Workstation-Server的梦;Bill还在卖他的软件,因为“软件是需要钱来开发的”;而Steve还想他的控制整个生产链的世界。理性上知道通过控制终端,Apple的开发者可以赚到更多钱,但是作为一个封闭终端,是不是有点大?我不知道,只是反直觉。
Having been a month on the “new” point detector idea, I cannot get progress. Giving up and using FAST + Multiscale + Orientation Prediction + WLD.
才能设计出这么繁复得清新脱俗,让人呕吐不止的API? http://code.google.com/p/facebook-actionscript-api/
而网上的舆论,要么是觉得国外企业竞争失败,找面子退出(特别点名批评Sarah Lacy同学:不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。);要么是觉得Google和美国政府臭味相投,共同阴谋颠覆;或者说Google炒作,赚取眼球。而忽略了Google权衡的代价和得失。这是一个没有惊喜的理性决定,而这个决定却暗示了一个相对悲观的预期。
Someone has to stand up and say: enough is enough.
There are several practical ways to bypass GFW today. However, there are a good chance that all these services will be blocked in the future.
HTTP/Socks Proxy: it is possible to block all proxies. First, have a black list of all proxies on the Internet. Second, block several default proxy port: 8080, 8000, 3124 etc.
Tor: it is possible to block Tor directory sever. And the speed is too slow for practical usage anyway.
VPN: it is possible to block most of them by blocking all IPs from Slicehost, Rackspace, Linode and Amazon EC2 (will cover large part of them). It is possible since China has blocked all Dreamhost IPs for sometime.
4.Proprietary Software: keep blocking their central severs.
Then, China can white-list all famous (censored) sites. So, yes, it is practical to censor the Internet and block every possible way to bypass GFW.
It has been a while that when people talking about general purpose image retrieval, it has to be bag of words model related. No doubt bag of words is a powerful model to solve image retrieval problem, however, is it the last model we have to solve the problem after all?
I don’t think so.
Highlight: using reference of parts to carve the characteristic of a face.
Fallacies: ad hominem, circular reasoning, composition, division, equivocation, appeal to popularity, appeal to force, accident, amphipoly….