这一论断的得出基于这几点观察。一、随着文明发展,个体能获取的能力将会越来越大。二、在整个群体中,个体的活动是近似随机的。从第二点出发,我们知道个体的活动函数f分布有随机性保证,但是群体活动F将是个体运动f的和,是稳定的。设定每个个体活动函数f受到他的邻近个体活动函数f_{k}的影响,且 | f-f_{k} | 小于一个阈值c。由于第一点的观察,阈值c不断放大,最后导致每个f均受到整个群体的显著影响。由于每次计算受到时间间隙的影响,即使最终的F是稳定的,在每个时间间隙点仍然是不稳定的,若假设个体活动函数f小于某阈值z时表示死亡且不可逆转,那么在每个f均能影响整个群体时,群体灭绝性事件的发生是不可避免的。 |
搞MSER搞了一周了,还是在找local minimum的时候有问题,而且还比原文的实现结果慢了4倍左右,感慨怎么实现点稍微复杂的算法就已经这么疲惫了。
Local feature descriptor (LFD) is an overwhelming successful method for image comparision which is currently the best solution against in-plane-rotation, distortion and light variations. However, there are some assumptions should be noticed. LFD is a appearance feature. It is more stable than pixel feature, but after all, the property of appearance feature still disturbs the ability of LFD. First, the appearance feature is vulnerable to variations of light and the description ability is depended by the complexity of appearance. LFD by collecting features through the key areas counteract the interferences of image variations. You can view that as sort of extension to shape description. Still, for object with low complexity of appearance, LFD failed to achieve any thing. The test senerio will be a color ball with a complex background. For this senerio, LFD cannot capture any useful information of the ball because the distinguish of the ball is the shape not appearance. For that part, LFD can do little.
One way to solve the problem is to combine some sort of shape descriptors to our LFD machanism. As appearance features and shape features are total different in their domain, there is no simple way to do this. There are rare cases that shape is more powerful than appearance. A closer look at how shape affects the appearance we will notice that only smooth boundary is something LFD cannot describe well. For sharp boundary and turnning point (corner point), LFD algorithm can effeciently extract local descriptor from those key point. In our extreme case, LFD lost its most important function to keep track the percise location of key point. For a ball, there is just no way to judge which point is key point on the boundary of circle.
Another limitation that is heavily addressed is the computing complexity of LFD. In my previous articles, I provided some insights of how to solve the problem.