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March 10th, 2011

“找一批人,做一点事,留下一串闪亮的名字和让人采撷的珍珠。” —— 摘自某篇日记

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March 5th, 2011

It turns out my old scheduler performed poorly recent days and things become hard to get done. The older one uses a FIFO queue with ad-hoc prioritize items, and the problem is, when an item takes really long time, it will block every consequent operations.

Without further due, I will present the new one. The new scheduler have a new ETC (Estimated Time to Complete) attribute which indicates the deadline for a particular job. It still has a FIFO queue structure, such that any new job will enter the bottom of the queue, with a ETC. Job on the top of the queue, if completed, will be removed; if the ETC reached, will request a new ETC, save the context, and put it in the bottom of the queue again.

The main take on the new scheduler is that, it will pursuit earliest start time rather than earliest completion time in order to be “fair”. Assume no priority setting, each job will have a strict start time.

I will experiment the new scheduler in the next few days.

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February 28th, 2011


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February 23rd, 2011


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February 21st, 2011

that words contain power. It shouldn’t. Wait Ender’s, his game.

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February 11st, 2011


而我们要战争,战争。站在摄像机前念文稿,仍然舍不得名号,我已经是最富有的人了,可是福布斯却不知道;又或者,是我让他们不知道应该知道。窗外的秃鹫盘旋了许久,吓得小猫浑身颤抖。突地一下,抓走在树干上的松鼠。他们说,这就是社会可替代性(Social Substitutability)啊。



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February 2nd, 2011

do a lot of things; be productive; make concrete progress and patient.

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January 29th, 2011

Look & Feel:


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January 27th, 2011



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January 24th, 2011
